Proactive Business Model Innovation
Transform your organisation by building a culture where innovation happens naturally, continuously, and at every level.
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast"
Peter Drucker
What if everyone in your organisation could.
Clearly articulate your business model in terms anyone can understand?
Feel empowered to suggest improvements that create more value for customers and stakeholders?
Think proactively about innovation, rather than waiting until change becomes necessary?
Gmail, Post-It Notes, McDonald’s Happy Meals, and PlayStation were all ideas from frontline employees. Imagine if their organizations hadn’t listened.
The Challenge
Building an Innovation Culture Isn't Easy
It can't be a boardroom monopoly ​
It's not a simple project that can "go live" and be marked complete
It requires fundamental changes in thinking and acting
But It's Essential for Success
Innovation must happen at every level
Everyone needs to contribute ideas, not just time
Change must be proactive, not reactive
Start Small, Think Big
One-Day Taster Workshop
Take the first step toward building an innovation culture with our practical, hands-on workshop. It’s an easy and affordable way to:
Equip participants with practical innovation tools they can use immediately
Experience how a value-focused mindset can transform your organization
Evaluate if our approach aligns with your organization's needs
The Innovation Journey
The taster workshop is just the beginning. If the ideas and tools resonate with your team, we’ll work together to create a comprehensive learning programme that:
Scales innovation culture across your entire organisation
Embeds proactive innovation into your organisational DNA
Creates lasting cultural change that drives sustainable success
“I had the pleasure of meeting and subsequently working with Phil following his completion of the Business Model You® Certified Practitioner training in Amsterdam in 2015 and again when he completed an updated online version of the training in 2020.
Over the years, he has developed a deep understanding of the methodology, as well as the Business Model Canvas, the Value Proposition Canvas, and the Business Models for Teams methodology, enthusiastically applying these frameworks effectively in consultancy, training, and coaching.
I’ve witnessed Phil in action, both as a guest facilitator/coach in my online Certified Practitioner trainings and as a facilitator running his own sessions for individuals and businesses. His sessions are engaging, practical, and always tailored to meet the unique needs of participants.
That’s why we requested Phil’s input as case study contributor for the second edition of Business Model You. His enthusiasm for the method, combined with his practical expertise and wide business experience, make him a valuable practitioner indeed.”
Dr Tim Clark, Creator of the Business Model You® Work Reinvention Method